This is a plaque of the king Tutankhamen, which is in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, upper floor room 4. Made of gold and
coloured glass, About 1347-1337BC. It comes from his tomb (no. 62) in the Valley of the Kings, Thebes.
Excavation of Carter and Carnarvan. 1922-1923.
Brustafel des Konig Tutanchamun. Plakette mit Inschriftn und der Gottin Nut mit ausgebreiteten schwingen. Gold mit Glas
flusseinlagen-Kairo, Museum.
In the middle of this plaque of Tutankamen is the goddess Nut, the goddess of the Sky. She is standing and spreading her wings
around the two cartouches of the king. On the right is the name Tutankhamen, on the left Neb-kheprw-Re. The plaque is
made of gold, the frame is of red and blue coloured glass. Some parts of the goddess Nut are also inlaid with coloured glass,
she is wearing her beautiful robe and necklace, false hair and elegant wings.